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A mobile application designed to connect restaurant owner and volunteers to help people in need

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Product Designer


Design for Sustainability


2 Weeks


Axure, Figma, JS

About Project


ShareExpress is a conceptual design mobile application. The app makes it easy to donate a surplus amount of food. The application has an easy format to post the availability of excess food. Volunteers can see the availability and collect the food to donate it to people in need.  Volunteers can also check heat my for locations of homeless people. 


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Project Brief

Propose, design and build a mockup of a phone app that creatively and originally uses the affordances of the phone to address the problem of how an individual from a narrow professional group can respond to the pressing needs of sustainability. The interaction/s at the heart of the app must be meaningful in the subjective (to the user) and objective (to a climate scientist) sense.

The Problem

Food waste is a real problem in the world, and it is one of the essential factors that deteriorate the sustainability of the planet. In the United States alone, 30-40% of food produced goes to waste. 

Project Goal

One of the significant causes of food waste is the foodservice industry. The goal is to reduce food waste by giving a real-time solution. 


I conducted semi-structured interviews with a few restaurants and food truck owners in the bay area to know more about their business and evaluate our ideas. 

Today we all are working towards saving our planet; food waste plays a significant role in climate change as tons of food end up in landfills, which creates a large amount of methane – a more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. A lot of food is getting wasted, and on the other side, people are sleeping without eating a proper meal at least once a day. 

The impact of food waste on the environment is enormous. We use oil, pesticides, fertilizers, water, and other resources to make food. And when we are throwing away somewhere around 40% of that food, that means 40% of those inputs just being wasted. If we got 30% of wasted food to people in need, that will be enough to feed them for all of their meal requirements.  

Food Recovery Hierarchy

Restaurant Vs. People in Need of Food 

Total no. restaurants in the US: 660,755

Number of people on the street in requirement of food 553,00

30% of wasted food is enough for people in need

Portrait of a Man

Thomas Smith

Male, 34

Restaurant Owner

Devices Use : 


Keeping restaurant busy, getting feedback from the customer, Improve food quality and customer service. 


No time and energy to work after closing time. Not able to look after the disposal of surplus food. 


Harry Joyas

Male, 39

Restaurant Owner

Devices Use : 


Create big business by opening multiple restaurants across the country. 


Because of working from a remote location not able to help the employee in a better way to reduce food waste.




To organize all of our insights from our research, we outlined all the themes to create an affinity diagram. We then sorted them into issues and "hot ideas" that could address these issues.

Concept Sketches


How Does ShareExoress Work?

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Restaurant owners can enter by clicking on the restaurant button and volunteers can join by clicking on the volunteer's button.

This is the restaurant owner's view. Restaurant owners can click on "Start Sharing" to post the available surplus food they have. 

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Restaurants owner can post available leftover food by simply adding the number of to-go boxes they have to donate. 

In the schedule section restaurant owner can check the scheduled pick-ups. Once the volunteer picks up the donation they can mark shipped to that pickup. 

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The restaurant owner can see the volunteer details in this section. and once volunteer pickup the donation they can mark it shipped. 

Volunteers can see all the available donations in their nearby area. 

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Volunteers can select the restaurant from where they want to pick up the donation, and also volunteers can select how many donations they can pick up. Volunteers can also select their pickup time slot. 

Thank You

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